Page name: X-Men Garage [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-02-01 01:36:28
Last author: Figgy
Owner: Furr
# of watchers: 22
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In the southeastern edge of the basement sits the garage. Numerous cars, trucks, vans, and even motorcycles take up residence in the garage, as well as the tools to take care of the machines. A car lift sits on the far edge, just off the elevator up to the X-Men East 1st hall. In the back corner, one motorcycle is under construction, parts strewn on the workbenches nearby. A small fuel station rests in front of the tunnel to the X-Men Mansion Gates, a card slot rests in the pump, making it off limits to anyone without an access card.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

X-Men East 1st (via elevator)
X-Men Hangar
X-Men Mansion Gates (via underground tunnel)

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2010-08-04 [Duredhel]: Well in whatever case, Shade is going now XD whoever wants to spend another week posting to get the car out of the garage, by all means XD.

2010-08-04 [The Past]: Wait so... he leaves a portal for them, or is it like Kurt's porting and did he drag the two along with him when he did?

2010-08-04 [Figgy]: Portal is opeeeen! :O

2010-08-04 [Veltzeh]: It's a portal, but I thought Shade needs to hold their hands or something to keep them from getting lost in the shadows or something?

2010-08-04 [Duredhel]: its a one way :3, like a tunnel. Shade holds their hands to give them some stability, but he doesn't mind if Aidan and Flame spin around a bit before getting there. Hell if they like roller coasters they might find it fun. Shade does need to be touching the portal the whole time, but he can do it from either side.

2010-08-04 [The Past]: Ah ok XD I thought he was just being an ass and leaving them behind heh

2010-09-07 [The Past]: So Logan has gone? Walked off and left the kids? heh

2010-09-07 [Figgy]: Yup. He's pretty pissed. :P

2010-09-07 [The Past]: XD When he drove off I could hear Cartman from South Park in my head going 'screw you guys! I'm going home.'

2010-09-07 [Veltzeh]: Didn't Flame ride in the car too? And Shade's portal went to the first floor hall.

2010-09-07 [Roma]: Then why are there postings about it here?

2010-09-07 [Figgy]: She went through the portal to the club (Shade opened the way to the club here). She actually did come back in the van.

2010-09-07 [Roma]: Ahh, ok, I shall amend.

2010-09-07 [Veltzeh]: We need a later in there. :)

2010-09-07 [Figgy]: Yeah, Logan's post said "sometime later" but ok.

2010-09-07 [Veltzeh]: Yeah. That italic one-liner (or one-worder?) is easier to spot though.

2010-09-07 [Flisky]: *sits back waiting for the shit to hit the fan*

2010-09-07 [The Past]: The Zeh commands, and ey get XD

2010-09-08 [Veltzeh]: Kaider is still out. :o

2010-09-10 [Roma]: Kel! What da hell, fella? I thought Michael would have a much stronger reaction! Something like anger at Vlad for forcibly shoving porn in his face, awkward feelings since its Korvka and its out of character for her to flash bewbies, and utter confusion at why she sent it to Vlad. >_<

2011-01-06 [Roma]: What kinda vehicles are there? I know the van is... anything else?

2011-01-06 [Figgy]: Dunno. :O What do you think Xavier would let them drive? I mean, Vlad and Shana have been there long enough to be trusted... I hope XD

2011-01-06 [Roma]: Oh for certain. They should take a big vehicle then, Vlad wants to drive. XD

2011-01-06 [Figgy]: XD Shana's gonna bitch about that.

2011-01-06 [Roma]: They could take turns. Sharing is caring, you know :P

2011-01-06 [Duredhel]: Dude... Vlad should take a convertible. Cruising around with 3 girls in a sports car? I mean cmon!

2011-01-06 [Roma]: -rubs hands together deviously-

2011-01-07 [Duredhel]: :O! All 4 of us are online!

2011-01-07 [Ms. Steel]: It's a Christmas miracle!

2011-01-07 [Duredhel]: Or not...

2011-01-09 [Ms. Steel]: Rum tum diddy dooo...

2011-01-09 [Duredhel]: Sorry Ixie :O! I promise I'll post soon, there's some GM plotting going on right now.

2011-01-09 [Ms. Steel]: :-D yay!

2011-01-09 [Flisky]: ...Please don't kill Addy! ^_^

2011-01-23 [Roma]: No one has indicated what seat they've taken in the Suburban. Korvka is clearly in the driver's seat but someone is gonna sit up front with someone else in back, right?

2011-01-23 [Priest Kel]: I would assume so, but Michael hasn't gotten in yet. He was trying to talk to her while waiting on Mihir

2011-01-24 [Flisky]: Mihir probably climbed into the passenger seat, as it was unoccupied. ^_^

2011-01-24 [Roma]: Go ahead and add that to your post, or signify. That way we all have something to react to and Mihir makes more of a statement. :3

2011-01-24 [Flisky]: How's that?

2011-01-24 [Roma]: Well as it stands, Korvka is the only one in the car. Just saying that Mihir got in doesn't describe it well enough. If you mention that he gets into the passanger's seat while Michael is trying to make nice with the driver then its more of a :O!

2011-01-24 [Flisky]: *facepalm* No, I meant 'how's that' with my post. :P

2011-01-24 [Roma]: ;) Just fine

2011-01-24 [Veltzeh]: What kind of a driver is Flame? (That is, does Kaider trust her to drive eir car? XD)

2011-01-24 [The Past]: I doubt ey do XD she's use to riding her bike rather than driving a car.

2011-01-24 [Figgy]: Let's go! Go, go, go!

2011-01-24 [Roma]: Waiting on a Michael post.

2011-01-25 [Veltzeh]: For once I remembered to underline!

2011-01-25 [The Past]: Yay :D I never do XD

2011-01-25 [Veltzeh]: Aaand I remembered to underline but forgot Squid. Dangit.

2011-01-25 [The Past]: I think I will have to make up a new page for them for where they are 'going' to.

2011-01-27 [Roma]: Wahoo, just one Mihir post and Korvka can get the show on the road. xD

2011-01-27 [The Past]: Do you want me to set up a page for the circus area Zeh and alter it later to fit in with the rest of the pages (caption at the top and so on, to look in place with the other pages) or would you rather do it?

2011-03-08 [Flisky]: Yay for character flaws! Hahaha.

2011-03-08 [Roma]: Aww, everyone is either passed out, injured, or hurling. Score. XD

2011-03-08 [Flisky]: *looks over at Romes* We did good. ^_^

2011-03-09 [Ms. Steel]: I am so glad I'm eating right now.

2011-03-09 [Roma]: Figgy, since Camille is GM controlled, do you want me to wait for a Camille post? It was indicated that she was crying and sobbing, never that she was unconscious.

2011-03-09 [Figgy]: Sure, I'll start posting with her tonight.

2011-03-09 [Roma]: XD Sweet

2011-03-09 [Roma]: [Flisky] since Xavier asked Mihir a question, I'll wait until you post to post with Korvka.

2011-04-03 [The Past]: Ok, I'm parking Flame away for the week :)

2011-04-30 [Veltzeh]: You should probably start in Nikoli's room (as all the characters are just now only waking up). :)

2011-05-03 [Figgy]: Does Nikoli have a stuttering problem? Seriously XD

2011-05-03 [Duredhel]: Let them be, they're 15 XD.

2011-05-03 [Dwarf Ronin]: He strutters when he is nervious. When he isn't, he doesn't though.

2011-05-06 [La Luna]: Just going to her her out of there.

2011-05-08 [Veltzeh]: Maggie has already gone, but it's okay if Nikoli didn't notice that.

2011-05-09 [Dwarf Ronin]: OH, I thought she could here me from there....guess not. lol

2011-05-30 [Roma]: I'm gonna take the car to X-Men RP Salem Center Township, and then they can talk more on the way. XD

2011-06-25 [Roma]: [Ms. Steel] Since we're in between pages right now, I'll let you decide whether you want to reply on the Grounds page or here. That was probably my fault. Sorreh >_>

2012-02-21 [Roma]: My description for this turned into a hugely long paragraph that I decided sucked donkey dick. I'll try to get around to a better one, but if Ix has any ideas for this one she should take it.

2012-02-21 [Ms. Steel]: I can give it a try, then we can rock-paper-scissors to determine the victor.

2012-02-21 [Roma]: I was just like...well shit, what all DO they have in there? I know in some X-Men they've got the X-Jet and the X-Mobile or whatever and Logan has his motorcycle, but apparently after that it got all muddled.

I say we both come up with a description and submit it to Fig.

2012-02-21 [The Past]: They kept the X-Jet in the garage? O.o I would assume each teacher would have a car, a couple of vans for transporting the kids, and any of the older kids who had cars would have them in there.

2012-02-22 [Flisky]: I thought they would have a hangar for the jet.

2012-02-22 [Roma]: See, this is what I need to know. XD The garage didn't come naturally.

2012-02-22 [The Past]: Don't think you need to list all the cars, but nice to mention sections, like teachers cars the kids can't touch, the cars of the students (such as Flame has a bike here, and Kaider when ey were in the rp did have a car), and just some general transport, like the vans for larger numbers.
Also maybe a work section? For those who do repairs.

2012-02-23 [Ms. Steel]: The garage at the mansion houses a vast array of vehicles belonging to the school, its teachers and students. While it is substantially larger than the average homeowner or mechanic's garage, it boasts most of the average amenities one might find in such structures. Off to the left there are two hydraulic car lifts, and along the back wall runs a work table with an assortment of tools neatly hanging on the wall-mounted pegboard above and a plethora of drawers and storage space below. The exposed I-beam ceiling is high, and, in combination with the poured, polished concrete floor, lends a somewhat cavernous feeling to the space. Overhead, rows of florescent fixtures hang from chains for light. The garage is attached to the mansion via a door leading to X-Men Hall 1st, but if one decides to take a car out for a spin, she or he would head out one of the automated garage doors leading to the driveway of the X-Men Grounds.

2012-02-25 [Roma]: I'm just gonna put it up there. ^_^

2012-02-25 [Ms. Steel]: Okee dokee!

2012-03-09 [Figgy]: Post post! :D

2012-04-02 [Figgy]: They're all about to leave Nathan in the dust >>

2012-04-02 [Flisky]: Should I just post?

2012-04-03 [Figgy]: Yeeep.

2012-04-03 [Lepellier]: Gorram computer... I swear I never got an update for the garage... *RAGES*

2012-04-04 [Figgy]: Aaaany day now...

2012-04-04 [Figgy]: Guys, this mission's probably gonna take a while, cause I want it to be good, so I wanna make things speedy. AND FUN! K?thx.

2012-04-04 [Flisky]: Oops. Missed it.

2012-04-04 [Lepellier]: I'm trying to figure out what's going on, seeing as We're not even in the Garage any more...

2012-04-04 [Figgy]: Just follow the posting order. Post here with Nathan, then at X-Men Salem Center.

2012-09-22 [Duredhel]: As soon as Light clears the mansion, I'll move Shade down here >,>
don't want them to run into each other right now, it'll slow us down.

2012-09-22 [Roma]: Its all good - I purposely left the post hanging so he could find her in the middle of trying to hot-wire it the only way she knows how. XD

2012-09-23 [Roma]: Someone came by and closed my window, which had most of a post written up there. >_< It was on its way to being good too, damnit. Starting again. Grrrrr

2012-11-12 [Roma]: Anthony is going to make a cork-popping sound when he gets out of that Beetle...

2012-11-12 [Evolution X]: yeeeah...

2012-12-21 [Flisky]: Figgs is a slacker. :P

2012-12-21 [Figgy]: Figgs is a hard worker and has 40 hours this week and is running on 6 hours of sleep after staying up till 2 am posting :/

2012-12-21 [Flisky]: Figgs is a slacker. XD (Yes, I realize how hard that is, but I'll feel more if there was a healing broken leg in the mix.)

2012-12-21 [Roma]: ...passive aggressive much

2012-12-21 [Flisky]: Not really. I'm impatient. Mostly no one in any of my RPs is posting regularly. It bothers me. But then, people are making defenses using things that no one knows. It's kind of aggravating...

But then I've been in pain from physical therapy and have been told I'm acting bitchy...

2012-12-21 [Roma]: We can all use some understanding, so maybe we could all just admit that everyone gets busy and needs to take some extra time. Kay? Kay.

2012-12-21 [Flisky]: Kay.

2013-01-10 [Figgy]: How did Vlad get here anyhow?>_>

2013-01-10 [Flisky]: I has no idea...

2013-01-10 [Roma]: Uh, the elevator. As it says in the post.

2013-01-10 [Duredhel]: >,> garage elevator connects 1st Floor East with Garage :>
But there's no post of Vlad in the 1st Flood East coming down to the garage, which is why we're confused.

2013-01-10 [Roma]: Found and fixed.

2013-01-10 [Duredhel]: Elevator from center hall doesn't lead here XD.

2013-01-10 [Dwarf Ronin]: Did I end that right on my response, closing it with East right or should I just have waited for the other Victoria?

2013-01-10 [Figgy]: .... what? Your post is right. Tory is already out of the elevator.

2013-01-10 [Flisky]: Tory and Victoria are the same person...(Tory being a shortened version of Victoria...)

2013-01-10 [Duredhel]: Flisk :O it's ok if your char has a nickname, but always bold the same version of her name. I never bold Daniela's name when I write it Dani, cuz it'd be confusing.

2013-01-10 [Flisky]: The problem is that I don't always use the full version in a post. (Like with Addy. I don't usually use Adrianne in posts at all...) I'm not sure what to do with that.

2013-01-10 [Roma]: Addy is Addy because she's Addy in everyone else's posts because that's her nickname. For that case, the opposite of what Dur is saying applies, in that you wouldn't bold Adrianne. I would just say that she goes by Tory and bold that.

2013-01-10 [Dwarf Ronin]: OHHHHHH....I was massively confused when Victoria and Tory both came by the gates, I thought they were two people >.<... now I understand.

2013-01-10 [Flisky]: So do what I do with Addy with Tory. Makes perfect sense, I think.

2013-04-14 [Duredhel]: I'll wait for Caleb a bit to see if we can keep the posting order.

2013-04-14 [The Black Goat]: As the elevator descended, Caleb reached into his pocket and fished out the keys he'd picked up from the office earlier. Daniela seemed to be relaxing all ready, he wondered how much more relaxed she could get once he got a couple drinks in her. the elevator dinged open and he stepped out, making his way slowly toward the car that matched the key so that Dani could easily keep up. "so how long have you lived in the mansion?" he asked as he opened the door for her before coming around to the other side of the car and getting in as well.

2013-04-15 [The Black Goat]: we are in the car right?

2013-04-15 [Duredhel]: Oh, I missed that, sorry, I'll fix my post. Could you specify what car they're taking tho?

2013-04-15 [The Black Goat]: ummmmmmm can I name any car?

2013-04-15 [The Black Goat]: It's totally aBoss302 mustang, Black with red detailing and leather seats :drool:

2013-04-15 [Duredhel]: Ok, fixed my post.

2013-04-15 [The Black Goat]: kick ass

2013-04-22 [Ms. Steel]: I'll post later today.

2013-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: I posted a comment... but it seems to have disappeared. Unless I unwittingly posted it on another page... anywho...

Is the group up in X-Men East 1st waiting for the Garage quartet to clear-out before coming down? (Really, I understand that it makes little rational sense to do so since there is only one elevator down to the Garage, and the call button's already been pressed, but ...ya know... for the sake of keeping things uncrowded and whatnot...)

Mostly, the question I had is, unless there is a plot point or reason otherwise for them to the digging-around in the storage area, can one of the characters just be, like, 'Bingo!' and discover the cache of Christmas decorations so they can be on their merry decorating fairy-elf way?

(Does... any of that make sense?)

2013-04-24 [Figgy]: Eh, it said there was one here but it disappeared.

No, we're not really waiting. I'm just gonna have them come down, load into René's truck, and head out.
I do second that other part though. It's best if the four people here don't dilly-dally around in meaningless posts of them just shuffling through boxes. It'd be more fun if things got a move-on.

2013-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: Exxxxxcelllllent.

2013-04-24 [Flisky]: Someone other than Addy should be finding stuff. She has no idea what she's looking for.

2013-04-24 [Ms. Steel]: I was going to have Val find the containers, unless Anthony does so beforehand. I just didn't want to do it and have someone be all but wait heeeeeeey and stuff.

2013-04-26 [Lirerial]: Does he have a 4, 3 or 2 door truck?

2013-04-26 [Figgy]: 4

2013-04-26 [Ms. Steel]: So many unsaid jokes about boxes.

2013-04-29 [The Black Goat]: Sorry about that, missed your guy's posts completely -_-

2013-04-29 [The Black Goat]: Isabelle moved to the drivers side of the truck, pulling open the door and hopping up into the seat without much.difficult. After shutting the door she made herself comfy without bothering with the seat belt. A party would be a hell of a way to kick off her first day here. She glanced over to Rene and smirked, wondering just how crazy things would get tonight.

2013-04-29 [Lirerial]: Is Isabelle in the front seat or back?

2013-04-29 [Lepellier]: Should be driver's side back.

2013-04-29 [Lirerial]: lol sorry, been studying all day. My brain is fried

2013-04-29 [Figgy]: Not your fault. The post doesn't really specify.

2013-04-30 [Lirerial]: I keep being notified of a post and not seeing anything :p

2013-05-02 [Figgy]: SO, I think I'm just going to post these folks into Salem, then do an abbreviated GM post of them stopping inside the liquor store, then return them to the gates. Sound good?

2013-05-02 [Lirerial]: Yup, that works

2013-05-02 [Lepellier]: Sounds good ta me, Cap'n.

2013-05-02 [The Black Goat]: Yepp

2013-05-04 [Ms. Steel]: Sooooo... does that mean it's my turn?

2013-05-04 [Figgy]: Unless people want to post their chars leaving with René, yeah probably.

2013-05-04 [Lepellier]: I thought that you were just going to do a group post for all of that?

2013-05-04 [Ms. Steel]: I think she means that you have the option of making an exit post OR you could just post when the gang gets to where ever. Sometimes it's just a personal preference thing.

2013-05-04 [Figgy]: ^

2013-05-05 [Lepellier]: Ahh, fair enough. I'll let Sam go along for the ride.

2013-05-07 [Ms. Steel]: nudgie-poo...?

2013-05-07 [Ms. Steel]: Also, and I'm going to preface this comment with the fact that it's a joke, but I always feel that after I post that I kill the page. Like my posts have bad breath, and no one wants to post after them, or something.

2013-05-07 [Flisky]: Yeah. What's wrong with you? My God. Can't you post without breaking people? (I'm only going to assume that my sarcasm is apparent. ^_^)

2013-05-07 [Figgy]: Guuuuuurl your posts stank!

2013-05-07 [Ms. Steel]: PSSSSHT my posts is FINE

2013-05-07 [Figgy]: Ratchet

2013-05-07 [Evolution X]: nathan maybe? Who's turn is it?

2013-05-07 [Figgy]: It would be Lep's.

2013-05-07 [Figgy]: The quicker stuff happens here, the sooner I'll post the group returning :3

2013-05-13 [Figgy]: Would you all like for me to do a GM post for Nathan?

2013-05-13 [Flisky]: Please. We need to get this moving again.

2013-05-13 [Figgy]: On it.

2013-05-13 [Figgy]: And done.

2013-05-13 [Ms. Steel]: I will post here later today.

2013-05-13 [Flisky]: I'm not going to post Addy in the den for a moment. She's literally in limbo. :P

2013-05-13 [Ms. Steel]: Shall I just post thrrrrrrough, then?

2013-05-13 [Figgy]: Yeah, go ahead, and I'll have Nathan follow behind the others.

2013-05-13 [Flisky]: Go ahead. ^_^ You all should arrive before Addy.

2013-05-14 [Figgy]: Stashing Nathan after this.

2013-11-24 [CuteCommander]: Ugh that was a cliche post -_- Damn lack of sleep!

2014-05-22 [Figgy]: Hey, Lire, Rage never answered Isabelle's question.

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: oh crap, thanks for telling me. I must've missed it

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: Wait where did she ask me a question?

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: nvm >_>

2014-05-22 [Figgy]: She asked Rage if she knew Mihir/Atsila in the East hallway.

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: Yea, I saw it lol

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: Rage just found her male match lol

2014-05-22 [Vhnori Valmos]: Lol, im guessing you are talking about Helix? XD

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: Yes, yes I am XD soooo.... how is he with women?

2014-05-22 [Vhnori Valmos]: Lol, let me put it this way, hes over protective of his sister, and any other female he might become attracted too, but hes also lovable and, well...probably pretty good in bed seeing as he would know quite fast if hes actually being "good enough" or whatever term the kids use nowadays, XD.

Also I just want to say that im going to have a fucking blast playing Helix, ^^

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: XD Rage is a good friend and protective but she can be a bitch if needed and REALLY enjoys getting in the sack with people

2014-05-22 [Vhnori Valmos]: Lol, sounds like Helix and Rage was meant for eachother other, XD. Sad thing is, his personality wasnt even intentional, it was just a random thing I came up with to help with keeping the balance between him and Ruby cohesive.

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: On a different note. How does he know who the girls are or that they had a run in with his sister? I read through his profile and didn't see anything that would give him that knowledge unless I missed it

2014-05-22 [Vhnori Valmos]: Basically since he is near his sister, he can sense the situation that she is going through, and can also sense what shes feeling since they are very close. So from that he is able to determine who Rage and Isabelle are. However he does not actually know the entire situation, just that Ruby wanted to go with Rage, but under the circumstances, understands why she cant. And shes also quite mad at Isabelle, lol. Beyond that, he doesnt know anything else.

2014-05-22 [Figgy]: You should probably put on his profile that he has a stronger connection with his sister than anyone else that lets him use his powers past its limits then >_>

2014-05-22 [Vhnori Valmos]: Ahh, I automatically assumed that that would be the case since they are siblings, lol. Stupid me, XD

2014-05-22 [Lirerial]: Ok. I guess I was confused as to how he recognized them since he can only feel what she's going through.

2014-05-22 [Vhnori Valmos]: Its basically Ruby's thoughts. When hes near enough to her, he can sense whats going on in her head, so since shes still thinking about the situation that happened with Rage and Isabelle, he can feel those thoughts and act accordingly.

2014-05-23 [Figgy]: *pokle*

2014-05-23 [The Black Goat]: Imight in a bit, gonna have a snack

2014-07-26 [CuteCommander]: Is the mission happening after people have had a chance to party a bit?

2014-07-26 [Figgy]: Sure, if that's when you wanna do it :3

2014-07-26 [CuteCommander]: We probably should - can you imagine Danger trying to tell Rage that she can't party? :P

2014-07-26 [Lirerial]: Omg yessss.... I kinda want that to happen now just to fuck with her haha

2014-07-26 [Figgy]: Shana would be so disappointed to not be able to hang out with Dani, AGAIN XD

2014-07-27 [The Black Goat]: its okay, Vincent will keep Dani company ;D

2014-07-27 [Lirerial]: Lol another thing to consider. Rage will start drinking soon as she gets to the party so there is a good chance she'll be buzzed if you give her to much time

2014-07-30 [The Black Goat]: sexy GM tag?

2014-09-28 [The Past]: Shiiiit sorry, had no clue you were waiting on me. Thought you had moved Coral on.

2014-09-28 [ancienteye]: XD

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